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71 items found for "spiral"
Blog Posts (2)
- Unlocking the power of charging plates: a brief guide to usage
Spirals presents the constant swirling of energy. Today, we utilize spirals to direct the energy flow generating from the crystals and metals. Spirals made of pure copper are particularly effective.
- Orgonite Crafting Tips for Beginners
Then, enhance its protective properties by using pure copper ie. copper spirals / thick layers of copper
Other Pages (3)
- Shop by Sacred Symbol | OM Orgonite
Cube Seed of Life (Torus) Merkaba Om/Aum/Ohm Tibetan Dorje & bell Sri Yantra 7,9 Chakras Star of David Spiral
- Energy Devices | OM Orgonite
Grounding and Centering Orgonite Pyramid Charging Plate SOLD The Tree of Life Hexagonal Charging Plate Spiral Shungite Orgone Charging Plate Om Orgone Charging Plate SOLD The Tree of Life Hexagonal Charging Plate Spiral of Life Orgone Energy Tower Buster Sacred Geometry Orgone Energy Tower Buster Om Orgone Tower Buster Spiral of Life Orgone Energy Tower Buster Sacred Geometry Orgone Energy Tower Buster Om Orgone Tower Buster Spiral
- Crystal Jewelries | OM Orgonite
Read our latest COVID-19 impact on international shipping Pendant Necklace SOLD 7 Chakra Crystals & Spiral Tree of Life Golden Orgone Necklace SOLD Himalayan Crystal Sphere Pendant SOLD 7 Chakra Crystals & Spiral