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How to disperse negative energy stores from my neck, shoulders, and jaw?

Updated: Mar 11

Sometimes, our bodies give us clues when we've gathered too much negative energy. It could be a persistent sore throat, feeling like your jaw is clenching more than usual, always having a stiff neck, or experiencing intense emotions that swing back and forth. You might also find yourself feeling more alone or insecure than usual. These signs remind us to pay attention and take care of ourselves, gently guiding us to find balance and peace within.

Are they caused by chakras blockage?

When you feel discomfort in certain areas of your body, it can signal blockages both mentally and physically. Looking at it from a spiritual aspect, the seven chakras associate with different body parts. Let's take the throat chakra as an example. It's not just about communication; it's also about accepting your originality, expressing your authentic voice, and speaking your truth.

Give yourself a round of applause for being aware of how your body feels☺ To alleviate the physical symptoms, it is essential to work through and release all negative emotions, including guilt, jealousy, sadness, and resentment.

You are capable of change

Clearing all the chakras involves learning to let go and trusting your inner voice starts from today, here and now. Meanwhile, shoulder pain can be related to the emotional burden from the past, or the stress you are suffering in the present.

The following steps may help to restore your energy balance:

1. Balance and align your 7 chakras

2. Disperse negative energy

3. Block negative thoughts that enter your mind

4. Balance your energy flow, let it flow freely through our chakras

For the advanced methods, Orgone healing tools convert negative life energy to positive energy, the transformation happens to you too.

It is possible that the Orgonites help dissolve energy blocks and re-establish their balance. Create a harmonizing body grid with those beautiful and wonderful Orgonites and you will discover a rainbow of positive vibes in your spirit.

Ways to use the orgone tools

1. Place a large Orgonite pyramid in your living room/bedroom to neutralize EMF radiation and purify the atmosphere.

2. Wear a corresponding necklace for a long period of time, probably which generates orgone energy with the gemstones that suit you.

3. Hold an Orgone tower buster on each hand and carry out meditation. Meditating on and incorporating the throat chakra’s color. Do you practice yoga or meditation? Tower busters are amazing tools to assist your breathing exercises.

4. Create your own orgonite. My heart is always filled with joy when I make them.

Carry out mindfulness meditation

The main challenge for the fifth chakra “Throat” is doubt and negative thinking. When you gain and verify your knowledge through meditation and direct experience, then doubt and negativity are removed.

Here are some affirmations to say out loud to yourself:

1. I give myself time and permission to heal.

2. I breathe in slowly and deeply and feel thoroughly relaxed.

3. I love to share my experiences and wisdom.

4. I express my gratitude towards life.

5. I listen to my body and my feelings to know what my truth is.

6. I make smart and calculated plans for my future.

7. I release my negative thoughts, embracing positivity and optimism.

8. I will live in the moment to provide a better tomorrow for myself.

9. All my chakras are fully aligned and activated.



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